
Seventy times seven

Are you tired? Tired of getting beaten up by the same people? Tired of watching the ones you love get beaten up by ones that say they love the children? The lies, deception and indifference are sold as the truth and covered up with images. Images that are deceiving and used to cheat ones that are trusting. Images that are fake and easily shattered, with only one lie. Selling the indifference as love and caring, the selfishness as justified under the lie that self comes first. Everyone else must get in line. The sacrifice of God's children, children given as a gift, innocent lives, that are just that innocent. Hearts want to believe desperately because, they are told to, and yet deceived even in the midst of trust used to make a point. Coming up against this type of deception is difficult and there can only be victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. He knew deception first hand. He knew ones who said they loved him and then turned Him in. Jesus first words on the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Stephan said these same words as he was being stoned. And so we say to the child abusers, emotional abusers, physical abusers, and the hard hearted, " Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." How do we say this without anger, vengeance or hate? We can only say these things because we are in His word, and reading about His love. He loves these people and has a plan for them. Will He forgive them? They will come to Him and He will grant them forgiveness. Because He is love. That is it. Deception, lies and indifference hurts so deep, Jesus knows how deep, never forget that. He knows, He cares and He is on the side of those who are unjustly treated and lied too. The ones that are put in the middle to make a point, the ones who are used and tossed aside. Jesus loves the little children, He wants the children to come to Him. He is their protector. And they will mount up with wings like eagles, with His strength, His power and His strength. For God does not give His children a spirit of fear, but of power and strength. In the end, God wins and justice will be served!


COME…see the Victory we can share…..

Why do you wait for me to COME to you? Is this madness that You wait? I am just a sinner attempting to stay on the path of least resistance. Oh, but attempting in my own strength, this is where the confusion sets in.

You say to COME…not to GO…but to COME…not to hide…You, the God of the universe ask simply for me to COME to You and You will rescue my soul, walk with me and reveal the truth to set me free…So why do I attempt with---out You... when I can succeed with you?

Be Patient, Lord…I will COME to you, in my time,

no…Your time, because Your timing is so perfect in all You do. Emotions, feelings, desires all given to you and You change the attempt to a victory…..Thank you Jesus….Through Your precious blood…if only a drop… Victory….


Praise is a choice

Wondering how you ended up where you are? Feeling as if time is the enemy? Curious if you can ever change or make a difference in other peoples lives as you go through the muck yourself? The answer is simple....Praise the Lord.....that's it....Praise the Lord....It says this over and over in the Psalms...for believers. This action, this choice, this decision, is yours alone. He is waiting for you to make the choice, so He can change your perspective, renew your mind, and show you the big picture. How simple is it to Praise the Lord? Simple...just tell Him how cool He is, How awesome He is to have choosen to give His son for you....How His grace is enough, how His mercy is never ending and how His faithfulness never stops flowing....then stop talking....listen and ponder His character and wait....Wait to see how your life begins to have hope, peace, joy and love....and yes...even in the muck. Pigs are happy in the muck! So how much more can we be with a God that loves us more than the pigs! God allows us into the muck in hopes that we will choose to Praise Him no matter how thick or deep it gets. The muck may change, but God never does. In fact, when we see Him from the muck, how much sweeter His grace and mercy become....So let's do it...Praise the Lord...for the muck and all.....PTL....