
His soul is at stake.....

A friend of mine wrote this to me, along with other powerful words. This sentence became embedded in my mind and heart as I contemplated this entire message from a friend who prays for me and my children. I can't get away from it. Previously in the week, friends had prayed that I would pray more and in fact reach out to the situation that was kicking me in the shins. I rejected that idea, in prayer even, it was such the opposite that my heart felt. Then this friend comes along with this short sentence, "His soul is at stake". My heart aches deep inside, I haven't been praying in this way, I haven't been even thinking in this direction. I have been busy waiting to see consequences fall and then I would go back to praying for souls. Enemies, they bring us to our knees. Jesus knew this and in advance instructs us on how to pray for our enemies, but with the instruction comes the "I do" part.

In Luke 6:35 Jesus said, "But love your enemies and do good and lend expecting nothing in return and your reward will be great and you will be sons of the Most High for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men."

When writing lessons plans for students, teachers have to have three parts in how they will approach teaching the "how" part of the lesson. First part is the "I do" part, the students watch the teacher model the task or new skill. The next step is the "We do" part, which is when the teacher does the skill with the student and looks on each student as they try following the teacher's instructions on their own and helps with feedback.
Finally, there is the "You do" part, and this is where the student does the task by themselves, while the teacher is near by for help if needed.

I am so thankful that Jesus doesn't just tell me what to do, but He modeled it for me. He then goes even farther to come alongside me to make sure I understand the concept He has taught me. And finally He never leaves me and always has feedback for my efforts in modeling His task that He has given me to apply to my life. Jesus wants me to succeed and knew in advance how hard this would be, loving your enemies. He asks me to not only love them, but show them love. He did this for everyone. He loved the kind and the ungrateful and went to the cross for all kinds, knowing in advance whether they would choose Him.

Modeling Jesus is the single hardest thing I have ever tried to do, moreover even in the situations with my enemies. Which part of the lesson is hard for me? That would be the "You do" part. I am thankful for the people in my life that remind me, Jesus didn't come to make my life easy, but He came to call me into less of me and more of Him. He knows exactly how to do that in me. He does His work with love, compassion and truth. And He is more than happy to start the lesson over with the "I do" part....

Jesus thank you for never giving up on me.

1 comment:

ellehasuly said...

Lovely and thought-provoking thoughts, Leslie.

Cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
