
This is how it all started...

Last May, there was a pastor from England, in our church, asking for volunteers who could help him teach English to immigrants all over the world. He and his wife have a vision and are asking for others to help them see it through. My major in school is English, I am also getting certified to teach in English. I didn't even think about it, before I knew it after the service I was talking to Him and putting my name on the list. He said it may be we need you right here in Connecticut this summer but....are you willing to go to England or South Korea? I just looked into his eyes and said "Yes". I am a single mom with three kids, in school, not sure what God is doing....but you know, He has provided me the finances to finish my degree and certification in the midst of really painful circumstances. All this time...I have been thanking Him for making a way for me to finish my education so I can provide for me and my kids, by simply becoming a high school english teacher. At that moment standing in front of that Pastor, I realized, His plans are beyond all that I could imagine. He just wants me to put my name on the list. So I did and as I walked out of church that day, I said nothing to no one, I just felt free.

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