
Do I have to?

Okay so I like to whine! I am not afraid to be honest here, I do my fair share and God only knows how often. I remember saying this so much when I was younger to my parents, now I hear it from my kids and my own lips to God. I cry out sometimes and say please, there has to be another way. He responds, as my parents did, His way is the best way.

Then one day I was looking into the Garden, you know, where Jesus was asking God if He had to. I don't think He was whining, but it makes me feel better to know that even Jesus said to His Father, "Do I have to?" Hebrews 5: 7-8 says,
"During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered".
I can't imagine how Jesus had to learn obedience, but it says here He did. So the God I worship actually knows how I feel when I say, "Do I have to watch my children suffer?" Do I have to watch the man I trusted with my heart with another woman?" "Do I have to feel this pain?" "Do I have to believe and trust that your plans are best for me?" "Do I have to, there must be another way."

God, you are so good to us, always holding us during all the storms and showing us more of You. Thank you that You thought of everything, down to telling your only Son that He needed to learn obedience too. You knew that I would need to know this one day in my journey.
In Jesus name I pray with thanksgiving, Amen.

(Taken from the One Year Book of Hope, by Nancy Guthrie)

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