
Someone has to go first.....

Yep...someone has to go first. It's life. It's hard, but it's life. In any situation, whether it is in the grocery line, the gas station, weigh in (yech), roller coaster ride, reading aloud in class, the exercise in gym class, the prayer request and yes the confession. God says someone has to go first. We go first, we turn to Him and suddenly He is there, standing right in front of us. Not so hard to go first with God!

All this talk about transparency, confession, real truth, real confession, the sin's we hide and the ones we share has got me thinking about my own experience.

Yes, I agree it stinks when I get transparent first and then others don't. Yes it brings pain, yes it causes tears and yes it could cause a harden heart to not share again. So I don't think the bottom line is not sharing, I think sometimes we share and get burned. Then the result is less transparency. We learn from the past because, well we just do. So the bigger picture is we all have been burned in relationships and God knows this. And so does the enemy!

How do others reach those of us who have been burned? Prayer...it's truly the only way. Sure we can chat a good chat, write a nice post, but really it's prayer. Jesus showed us this. He went first and prayed first. He was hoping we would follow Him. He showed us His transparency right there and laided it out there, knowing full well which one of us would do the same, because He is the All- Knowing God. He still became transparent for us, knowing the future. Is He bitter or sorry He came first because some really broke His heart by not accepting His offer? Brokenhearted, but not bitter, not hard hearted.

So who goes first? The prodigal son did. BUT....his father saw him coming and guess what? He came running towards him. So the son made the turn home and His dad came running. We all want that feeling, to be celebrated by the ones we love. But what if no celebration? What if mundane life is all we got? Does that mean we are not loved or don't have access? No, we always have access to the phone, email, chats and coffee talk, prayer. Listen, as my children grow older and I watch on the sidelines, I see so much I want to change. Should the father have told the prodigal to stay home? "Don't do that son you will regret it" Well I don't know if he did, but it seems it was time for the prodigal to leave, possibly college bound or just moving onto a career. So as the parent, he chooses to say good-bye and hang at home with the other son. Then the homecoming, the father runs to meet him. Runs, not walks, not finishes up what he is doing, he simply RUNS to his son. That is how I am going to feel when the phone rings and it's one my kids calling from their job, college or just life. "Hey mom, life is bad...wanna meet for coffee?" I pray for those calls to come. Answered prayers, that what these are. And I believe that is what it was for the father of the prodigal son. So do I just show up like it's just another day? NO WAY, I am going to be early for that meeting.. dressed for a party, camera and all and I may even bring an inspirational message or book, plus I will definitely be buying the coffee! Most of all I will bring compassion and love, for this is my child returning to me and most importantly Choosing me! How cool is that!

So who goes first....I don't know....but I am still willing no matter the possibility of pain...because EVERY disappointment is an appointment with God. Plus my kids our watching and someday they will come home needing my open heart and compassion. We don't get that way without transparency in our lives.

So whose going first? Are you willing?

1 comment:

batgirl said...

Amen. Someone pointed out to me once how vulnerable God makes himself for the sake of love. Think about it. He offers himself continually and is continually rejected. Even by his children. By me. No time for you today, God. I'd rather read my email...
Yet his love goes on and on.
Not letting the hurts and betrayal harden us, that's the thing. And that comes of giving those things to God- as you said, in prayer- and letting the Holy Spirit fill us again. There is no love and no healing without some risk, I think. Enjoyed reading your ponderings, Leslie!